About Deb

You should know that I am a newly New Aged Californian with deep Midwestern roots. I am a first-class introspective navel gazer with a penchant for anxious long-range worrying. I’m trying to get over it.

I grew up as the eldest of six amazingly accomplished baby boomer sisters and I feel quite unreasonably responsible for the well-being of my family, community, and the world in general. Again, I’m trying to get over it.

My husband of twenty four years has enjoyed a distinguished career in high-tech, though some of us haven’t enjoyed it quite as much as he has done. Our two young adult sons have put college days behind them and are courageously building careers in an unwelcoming economy.

I have a passion for sailing on big boats in stormy seas. I exercise my mind and my body because I believe in “use it or lose it.” I’m a voracious reader and writer who is also a frustrated artist, linguist, and classical guitar player.

My former career as a management consultant and educator was built around my love of  business as a collection of  personal “stories” and not business itself. I can “walk the walk and talk the talk,” but I’m no longer at this particular daily grind.

In 2009 I was certified as an Integral Life Coach™, which gave me a chance to read philosophy, experiment with new practices, and delve deeply into human nature. It was a life-changing experience that gave me new insight and inspiration about what is possible in human development. I am also a Certified Senior Advisor™ with a deep interest in the process of aging.

In SmileLines I will continue this exploration by writing about topics that I believe are common themes of the lives of men and women @50+ who are perhaps too responsible, too serious, too hardworking for their own good. The goal is to learn to live with a lighter heart and enjoy life as it comes. Not easy, but very rewarding

What I’ll bring to  you is snippets of  research, new practices, a little bit of philosophy, book reviews and observations on modern life that are aimed at freeing your spirit and stimulating your smile. I hope that you’ll let me know if I’m on target or missing what makes your SmileLines more attractive everyday.

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2 Responses to “About Deb”

  1. Deb, You’ve done it, Girl! This is splendid, masterful and full of great fun! I’m so proud of you!! And I love your stories. Carole

  2. Haddie Yuster says:

    This is definitelly what I needed to read this morning. No inspiration under my wings…just plain manana for me. Tisk, I guess I better go do the laundry and empty those baskets of the 3 months of ironing. I definitely have you bookmarked!
